
Implants are a technological advancement, which started in the late 1960s, by pure accident.  It was discovered that titanium fuses when placed in bone. Today, implants are used in dentistry in a wide range of ways. From replacing one missing tooth to replacing an entire mouth, implants can make a real difference to you.

Implants can also be used to support both dentures and partial dentures, making what is normally an unstable prosthesis, significantly more stable. This reduces pain from ulceration and increases the patient’s ability to chew food. 


Advantages of Dental Implants

  • Dental implants have a good 10 year longevity rate of over 90%.
  • Dental implants can have excellent aesthetic results if there is adequate bone and soft tissue (gum) support available.
  • The implant and crown is a free-standing structure much like a natural tooth.
  • It is not necessary to join an implant with the natural teeth and therefore does not compromise other teeth.

Disadvantages of Dental Implants

  • To enable implant placement, some bone grafting procedures may be required, if there is a lack of bone.
  • There are a number risk factors that might make the dental implant less successful, such as smoking.
  • In some instances, dental implants do not provide an ideal aesthetic result e.g. where there has been considerable loss of bone or soft tissue such as the “papilla” or gum between teeth.
If you are interested in any cosmetic dentistry, including dental implants, please contact us for a consultation.
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